The swan used for the Clarke crest and moto A stereotypical fishing rod.

John Wishart junior 1861-1879


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At the time of his death his occupation was stated as a draughtsman. The Forth Bridge was built around then, and he may have had an involvement.

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The Lammerlaws Point in Burntisland.
Photo. 1: The Lammerlaws Point in Burntisland.

Fife Free Press,

Lamentable accident. - an accident of a most distressing description, and which has cast quite a gloom over the district, has occurred here this week. It appears that John Wishart, Junior, son of our esteemed townsman, Mr John Wishart, Grange, left his father's house aboutfor the purpose of going to the Lammerlaws to fish. Not returning in the evening, enquiry for the young man was immediately instituted, but no trace of him whatever could be found - no one even having seen him at the Lammerlaws.

Shortly after he had left home, however, a person remembered seeing him cross the Links carrying a fishing rod, and as night advanced, the gravest fears for his safety began to be entertained. These, alas, proved too well grounded, for on the following morning the dead body of young Mr Wishart was found at the Lammerlaws point lying about half covered in water. The sad discovery was made by Mr Robert Dick and Mr Thomas M'Laughlan, boatmen, who had the lifeless body of the unfortunate young man immediately removed to the house of his sorrowing parents, for whom, in their painful bereavement, all deeply sympathise. Deceased was a young man of much promise, and was very much beloved. It is believed that while alone on the rock he had been suddenly seized with a fit, and, falling helplessly into the water, been drowned.

A 'fit'? Really? Let's see. Your father's distillery ships 200,000 gallons PA of the water of life . Do you have trouble filling even the largest of hip-flasks? You do not. If the fish won't oblige, do you turn to an alternative amusement? You do. On a warm summer's afternoon might the temptation to snatch forty winks prove irresistable? It might.

Water of life??? I fear not, in the case of young master Wishart. Scotch on the rocks? Don't do it.

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John Wishart jnr had an uncle on his mother's side, John Gregory Clarke, who slept 'with the fishes' twenty years previously in the Firth a couple of miles away.

Hmmm, those rocks look a bit slippery. I suppose its safe for me to go have a closer look. Isn't it?

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